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浏览次数:    时间:2023-10-20

Zibo Barbecue is one of the most distinctive and popular cuisines in Zibo, Shandong Province, attracting locals and tourists alike every year with its unique cooking style and flavor. Zibo Barbecue has a unique taste, with tender and juicy meat and a delicious and spicy flavor that makes people's appetites soar. Zibo Barbecue has become a symbol of Zibo city and an important part of China's traditional barbecue culture. Whether it's a family gathering or a business banquet, Zibo Barbecue is an indispensable delicacy that not only satisfies people's taste buds but also showcases the unique charm of Zibo city.
02东汉(the Eastern Han Dynasty)末年,蔡伦的造纸术被广泛应用。到了公元3至5世纪的两晋时期(the period of the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties),人们开始在纸上写字,并由此发展出写在纸上的书法艺术。中国的造纸术先后传到了现在的越南、朝鲜和日本。公元7世纪左右,又传到了印度。造纸术还通过陆上丝绸之路传到了西亚和欧洲。欧洲的造纸业大致从公元12世纪开始,在这之前,欧洲人主要使用羊皮(sheepskin)来书写。造纸业的兴盛开创了人类文明的新纪元。
In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun's papermaking technology came into wide use. In the period of the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties (the 3rd to 5th century), people began to write on paper and calligraphy on paper was developed correspondingly. Chinese papermaking technology was introduced to Vietnam, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Japan, and around the 7th century it was introduced into India. Papermaking technology was also introduced to West Asia and Europe through the Silk Road by land. The papermaking industry in Europe started in about the 12th century. Before that, the Europeans mainly wrote on sheepskins. The rise of papermaking industry started a new era of human civilization.
03ChatGPT 是由美国 OpenAI 公司研发的聊天机器人程序,于2022年11月发布。ChatGPT 是人工智能技木驱动的自然语言处理工具,它能够通过理解和学习人类的语言来进行对话,还能根据聊天的上下文进行互动。它甚至能完成撰写邮件、视频脚本、文案、翻译、代码、论文等任务。截至2023年2月,这款新一代对话式人工智能在全球范围内已狂揽1亿名用户,并成功从科技界破圈,成为历史上增长最快的消费者应用程序。
ChatGPT is a chat robot program developed by OpenAI in the US, which has been released in November 2022. Driven by artificial intelligence technology, it is a tool to process natural language, which can conduct conversations by understanding and learning human language, and can also interact according to the context of the chat. It can even complete tasks such as writing emails,video scripts, copywriting, translation, coding, and paper-writing. As of February 2023, this new generation of conversational artificial intelligence has attracted 100 million users worldwide, and successfully broke through the technology circle, becoming the fastest growing consumer application in history.
04北京的天坛(the Temple of Heaven)建于明代永乐年间,与紫禁城几乎同时完工(1420年)。永乐皇帝由南京迁都北京,他所做的一件重要的事就是到天坛大祭天地(Heaven and Earth)。这所祭坛自建造至今,经历了近六百年的风雨,如今它静卧在北京的南城。这个占地面积近紫禁城四倍的庞大庙宇群(temple complex),以它独有的魅力吸引着四方之人。天坛表达的对天敬畏的思想凝结的是中国人对天崇拜的观念。
The Temple of Heaven in Beijing was constructed during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, and completed in 1420, which was about the same time of the completion of the Forbidden City. When Emperor Yongle moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, one of the important things he did was to perform a ritual of paying tribute to Heaven and Earth at the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven still lies in the south of Beijing with a history of about 600 years. The Temple of Heaven, a large temple complex covering an area nearly four times as large as the Forbidden City, keeps attracting visitors from around the world with its unique glamor. The awe for Heaven shown by the Temple of Heaven represents reverence of ordinary Chinese people for Heaven.
05说到中国古代的科技文明,就不能不说四大发明(the Four Great Inventions)。人们普遍认为,指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术的发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用;并且,这些发明经由各种途径传至西方,也影响着世界的文明进程。从历史发展的角度来看,中国古代的四大发明是为人类社会生活带来革命性变化的科学发明,这是中国人对世界文明的伟大贡献。中国的四大发明在人类科学文化史上留下了灿烂的一页,推动了人类历史的前进。
When it comes to science and technology in ancient China, the Four Great Inventions, namely compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing, should always be mentioned. It is commonly believed that the Four Great Inventions have promoted the development of politics, economy and culture of ancient China dramatically; moreover, these inventions have an impact on the progress of world civilization since they have been introduced into the Western world in various ways. From the perspective of historical development, the Four Great Inventions of ancient China are scientific inventions that bring revolutionary changes to the social life of human beings, which are great contributions the Chinese made to world civilization. The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are brilliant in the history of human science and culture and promote the progress of the human history.


The Association I Would Join in College
With great autonomy and independence, college life occupies a very important position in one’s life. In addition to the basic academic tasks, participation in student clubs is an indispensable part of university life. As a college student, I would like to take part in the English association.
The benefits of joining English clubs are as follows. In the first place, the English association creates a whole-English environment for English learners like me and helps us improve our command of English. In the second place, by joining the association, we can make many like-minded friends with whom we can exchange ideas and skills. Finally, in the process of learning English together, we would be encouraged to express many ideas in English which can gradually develop our confidence and make us not afraid to speak in front of people.
In a word, the English association can benefits us in many respects and joining it can bring special spice to our college life.
The Importance of College Students Studying Traditional Chinese Culture
Chinese traditional culture is the crystallization of thousands of years of civilization of the Chinese nation. As future builders of China, it is of great significance for college students to learn Chinese traditional culture.
Firstly, learning traditional Chinese culture can enhance the wisdom and abilities of college students since Chinese traditional culture is the historical accumulation in the long-term practical activities of the Chinese nation. Secondly, traditional Chinese culture has always advocated the use of moral practice to enhance people's spiritual realm, which is very conducive to the improvement of college students' ideological and moral qualities. Thirdly, continuously striving for self-improvement and being positive is important parts of traditional Chinese culture, which plays a decisive role in cultivating a positive and upward attitude towards life among college students.
In short, as the pillars of the future construction of the country and the backbone of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is of great significance for college students to learn Chinese traditional culture.
Importance of Fostering a Good Learning Habit
College life is the first stage in life for students to live on their own without parents by their side. Therefore, forming some principles seems much more important in this period. From my perspective, among so many principles, fostering a good learning habit plays an indispensable role in one’s future success.
Needless to say, college students have already spent many years on study, but a good learning habit is still necessary in college. First, a good learning habit can save the expenditure of time and double the learning efficiency. Thus students can use the minimum time to complete the maximum workload. Second, a good learning habit can make it easier to achieve success. With the strong determination and prime approaches, students can eventually fulfill their goals in college which will definitely lay a solid foundation for their future life.
In a word, a good learning habit really changes students’ college schedules and benefits them a lot. Only in this way can they lead a meaningful and efficient college life.
Never Give Up
As the saying goes,“Never give up.” What it implies is that in order to achieve our goals, we should never give up, even when we are in adversity.
Actually, human history abounds with examples to prove this saying. Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the stories of some famous people, such as the story of the famous scientist Edison, who argued that genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. As we all know, Edison invented the light bulb. Persistence plays the most important role in his success. Contrary to the popular belief, he didn’t “invent” the light bulb, but rather discovered the right filament after a long-term try and thousands of experiments. Afterwards, he spent one and a half years inventing an incandescent lamp with a filament of carbonized sewing thread burning for thirteen and a half hours.
In conclusion, I think we should always keep the three words “Never Give Up” in mind, and try our best to pursue our dreams.
College life presents me with a variety of experiences, among which there is one lesson that I will never forget. It was in my sophomore year that I went through one thing which left a deep impression on me and changed my perspective totally.
Based on the academic foundation of high school, I passed the examinations with flying colors when I was freshman. Accordingly, I drew a conclusion that students can easily get ideal grades without effort at University. So I began to idle my time away. What happened next brought me some catastrophic failures in academic study. Being frustrated, I decided to change the awful situation and lead a positive life. One year’s endeavor really got me somewhere and the improvement of the academic performance comforted my nervous mind. With perseverance and hard work, I finally obtained what I valued most.
After that, I rethink this experience and realize the importance of the hard work and the positive attitude in life’s pursuit. I will bear this experience in my mind forever.

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