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浏览次数:    时间:2023-10-20

重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage 
优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk arts 
独特的艺术价值 unique artistic values 
诚实守信 honesty 
爱国主义精神 patriotism 
国宝 national treasure 
文物 cultural relics 
华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors 
文人 men of letter 
雅士 refined scholar
才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies 
高雅艺术 refined/high art 
中外学者 Chinese and overseas scholars 
古为今用 to make the past serve the present 
洋为中用 to make the foreign serve China 
无愧于时代的作品 works worthy of the times 
文明摇篮 cradle of civilization 
古文明 ancient civilization 
博大精深 to be extensive and profound
享有……的声誉 to enjoy a good/high reputation for
被誉为 to be honored/crowned as 
占据重要地位 to play a significant role; to have/ occupy a significant place 
肩负……的责任 to shoulder the responsibility of...
与……密不可分 to be closely associated with…
推广中国文化 to promote Chinese culture 
促进世界和平 to promote world peace 
增进友谊 to enhance friendship
文化娱乐活动 cultural and amusement activities
文化产业 culture industry 
文化底蕴 cultural deposit 
文化事业 cultural undertaking 
文化交流 cultural exchange 
文化冲击 culture shock 
文化差异 cultural difference 
民族特性和价值观 national identity and value 
在各地差异很大 to vary widely from region/place to region/place
促进文化的传播 to promote the spread of culture 
促进交流 to promote exchanges 
蓬勃发展 to flourish 
丰富多彩 to be rich and colorful 
风俗习惯 custom 
禁忌 taboo
中华民族 the Chinese nation 
传统美德 traditional virtues 
尊敬老人 to respect the elderly 
赡养父母 to support/take care of parents 
继承 to inherit
后人 later generation
强身健体 to improve the physical health; to strengthen the body
益寿延年 to prolong life
保佑平安 to keep sb. safe
象征意义 symbolic meaning
象征好运和祝福 to symbolize good luck and blessings
审美观/品味 taste for beauty; aesthetic taste
传统工艺品 traditional handicraft 
形状不一 to be of different shapes 
材质各异 various materials 
质地坚硬 hard texture 
造型生动 vivid figure 
色彩丰富 rich colors 
风格独特 characteristic/unique style 
中医药 traditional Chinese medicine 
中草药 herbal medicine
望、闻、问、切 observing, listening, inquiring, pulse taking
症状 symptom
重大发明 a significant invention 
中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China 
火药 gunpowder 
造纸术  paper-making 
指南针 the compass
文房四宝 the Four Treasures of the Study 
笔、墨、纸、砚 brush, ink stick, paper, ink stone 
汉字 Chinese character 
笔划 stroke
普通话四声调 the four tones of Mandarin Chinese 
书法 calligraphy
中国画 traditional Chinese painting
水墨画 Chinese brush painting; ink wash painting
武术 martial arts
中国功夫 Kung fu
太极 Tai Chi
孔子 Confucius
孟子 Mencius
思想学派 school of thought 
思想核心 the core of ideology 
代表人物 representative
儒家思想 Confucianism
儒家文化 Confucian culture
和尚、僧人 monk
寺庙 temple
建筑 architecture
钟楼 bell tower
鼓楼 drum tower
牌坊 memorial archway
兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
故宫 the Imperial Palace
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
伊斯兰教 Islam
清真寺 mosque
宗教 religion
民间故事 folk tale
寓言 fable
传说 legend
凡间 human world
京剧 Peking Opera
脸谱 mask
正面角色 positive role 
木偶戏 puppet show 
皮影戏 shadow play 
杂技 acrobatics 
相声 crosstalk
说、学、逗、唱 speaking imitating, teasing and singing
说书 story-telling 
刺绣 figure 
瓷器 porcelain; china 
陶器 pottery; earthenware 
青铜器 bronze ware 
雕刻 to carve 
图章 seal
春节 the Spring Festival / Chinese New Year
元宵节 the Lantern Festival
清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day
端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival
中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day/Festival
重阳节 the Double-ninth Day
七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
除夕 Chinese New Year's Eve
年夜饭 annual reunion dinner
拜年 to pay a new year call
探亲访友 to (pay a) visit to relatives and friends
亲朋好友 relatives and friends
大扫除 to thoroughly clean the house
驱厄运 to sweep away ill fortune; to get rid of bad luck
去除灾难 to ward off evils 
发红包 to give money in red envelopes; to hand out red envelopes
欢度 the celebration of...; to celebrate
春联 spring couplets 
庙会 temple fair 
民间艺人 folk artists 
祭神 god-worshiping
爆竹,烟火 firecracker; firework(s)
画 (traditional) new year picture
压岁钱 new year's gift-money 
舞龙 dragon dance 
花灯 festival lantern 
灯谜 lantern riddle
有益的智力活动 beneficial intellectual activity
中国结 Chinese knot
舞狮 lion dance
赛龙舟 dragon boat race
赏月 to enjoy the full moon
登高 hill climbing
扫墓 to pay respects to the dead at sb.'s tomb
中国菜,中餐 Chinese cuisine
烹饪技巧 cooking technique
煎 to fry
炒 to stir-fry
炸 to deep-fry
烩/焖/炖 to stew
蒸 to steam
煮 to boil
烘焙 to bake
烤 to roast
切条 to cut to strips
切丁 to dice
切碎 to mince
磨碎 to grind
饮食习惯 dietary habit
特色食品 special food
元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings
年糕 rice cake
油条 deep-fried dough sticks 
豆浆 soybean milk 
馒头 steamed bun 
包子 steamed stuffed bun 
拉面 hand-stretched noodles 
豆腐 tofu; bean curd 
麻花 fried dough twist 
皮蛋 100-year egg; century egg 
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg 
火锅 hot pot 
原料 ingredient 
猪/牛肉丸 pork/beef ball 
鸭肉 duck 
蘑菇 mushroom 
北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 
素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant 
白酒 Chinese Baijiu
四大文明古国之一 one of the four ancient civilizations
人类文明史 the history of human civilization
源远流长/历史悠久 to have a long history with a long history
朝代 dynasty
古都 ancient capital
随着时间的推移 as time goes by
远古时代 ancient times
原始社会 primitive society
春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period
战国 the Warring States
封建社会 feudal society
皇帝,君主 emperor; monarch
历史遗留问题 a question left over from history/the past
在战争中损毁 to be ruined in wars
抵抗侵略 to resist the invasion
五四运动 the May 4th Movement of 1919
在……世纪初 at the beginning of ... century
迄今为止 up till now
追溯到 to date/trace back to
来源于 to derive/stem from; to originate from/in
发祥地 birthplace
兴起于…,兴盛于… to emerge in … and prosper in 
保存最完好的 best-preserved
原址 original site
国家博物馆 National Museum
皇帝统治时期 a period of emperor reign
诸侯国 kingdom
勤政爱民 to be diligent and love one’s people
退位 to give up the throne
帝王宫殿 imperial palace以……
命名 to be named after ...
历史人物 historic figure
阳历 solar calendar
阴历 lunar calendar
天干 heavenly stem
地支 earthly branch
闰年 leap year

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